V1.15.0 Changelog

  Added   Modified (Older values highlighted with strikethrough)   Deprecated   Removed


  • Payment Enrollment Resource
    • Added Manage PBT Enrollment API.
      This API allows the management of Pay-By-Text (PBT) enrollment for a given customer by providing details such as phone number, customer account, funding account, and enrollment status. The API supports three main functionalities, which are create new enrollment, update existing enrollment or unenroll existing enrollment
    • Added Retrieve PBT Enrollments API.
      This API can be utilized to retrieve the enrollment details of Pay by Text (PBT) for a specified customer based on search criteria.
  • Customer Resource
    • Added Initiate Contact Verification API.
      This API generates a verification code for the specified phone number of a given customer.
    • Added Link Customer Contact API.
      This API is used to link a customer's contact information to their existing account. The API takes a request body containing the customer's unique identifier and the contact information to be linked.
    • Added Unlink Customer Contact API.
      This API is used to unlink a customer's contact information from their account. The API takes a request body containing the customer's unique identifier and the contact information to be unlinked.


Create Payment

Specification Changes
  • Request Body
    • payment_amount_type string required
    • The type of amount, as per the bill/statement, that is being paid. The payment amount is derived from the amount type selected for the payment. This defaults to other.
    • Valid Values :   current_balance, minimum_payment_due, past_payment_due, statement_balance, discounted_amount, penalty_amount, other, payoff_amount, paydown_amount
    • payment_authorization.id string required
    • Id is a unique identifier assigned to the payment authorization in EBPP.

      If payment_authorization.id is provided, then the payment amount would be set to the amount that is on hold as a result of the corresponding payment authorization.

    • Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}