Java Python PHP Ruby Node C#

Common Topics

This section covers topics which are common to all the API mentioned below.


Orbipay is a highly flexible and configurable online payment platform. This document explains the payment capabilities of the Orbipay platform. This API is to be used where a business wants to accept funds from its customers.

Organized around REST, Orbipay API uses standard HTTP verbs and response codes that can be understood by any HTTP client.


Signature Calculation Example:

Http Request Before Including Authorization Header:
GET /payments/v1/payments?page_size=10&id_customer =123456&from_date=      &   status   =   scheduled    &status=processing HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
product: orbipay_payments
idempotent_request_key: 8b528a6c954a4a92a8555dd3f1862e8d
client_key: 987654321
channel: Web Portal
timestamp: 2018-06-11 15:29:51.412+0530
requestor_type: customer
requestor: 123456
Signature Calculation
method() = "GET"
path() = "/payments/v1/payments"
queryString() = "id_customer=123456&page_size=10&status=processing&status=scheduled"
headers() = "channel=Web Portal&client_key=987654321&idempotent_request_key=8b528a6c954a4a92a8555dd3f1862e8d&product=orbipay_payments&requestor=123456&requestor_type=customer&timestamp=2018-06-11 15:29:51.412+0530"
payload() = ""
input = "GET:/payments/v1/payments:id_customer=123456&page_size=10&status=processing&status=scheduled:channel=Web Portal&client_key=987654321&idempotent_request_key=8b528a6c954a4a92a8555dd3f1862e8d&product=orbipay_payments&requestor=123456&requestor_type=customer&timestamp=2018-06-11 15:29:51.412+0530:"
secret = "1234567890"
Base64(HMAC-SHA256(secret,input)) = "ec0mr8wuNkwANd+itxmkMQ0ocfdX6a1t5g/3ANCRIdA="
Http Request After Including Authorization Header:
GET /payments/v1/payments?page_size=10&id_customer =123456&from_date=      &   status   =   scheduled    &status=processing HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
product: orbipay_payments
idempotent_request_key: 8b528a6c954a4a92a8555dd3f1862e8d
client_key: 987654321
channel: Web Portal
timestamp: 2018-06-11 15:29:51.412+0530
requestor_type: customer
requestor: 123456
Authorization: OPAY1-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=987654321,Signature=ec0mr8wuNkwANd+itxmkMQ0ocfdX6a1t5g/3ANCRIdA=


The HTTP Authorization request header is used to provide authentication information. This header looks like the following.

Authorization : OPAY1-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=...,Signature=...

The constituents of the authorization header are explained in the table below.

Item Description
OPAY1-HMAC-SHA256 The algorithm that is used to calculate the signature.
Credential The client key ( Please refer to the Request Headers section for more details ).
Signature The Base 64 encoded value of the signature bytes. Calculating the signature bytes is explained below.

Signature Calculation

Signature is calculated as follows.


The calculation is explained in detail below.

Item Description
Base64() The encoding of the signature bytes.
HMAC-SHA256() The cryptographic function that computes the HMAC by using the SHA256 algorithm with the client secret provided.
secret The secret key specific to the client that is shared with the client during onboarding.
input The string value of the canonicalized transform of request data that includes the HTTP method, URL, headers, query parameters and body. The details of computing the input is explained below.

The string input is computed as follows.

input = method():path():queryString():headers():payload()

Each of the substrings is explained below.

Item Description
method() The HTTP method for the given request and evaluates to one of GET, PUT, POST or DELETE.
path() The absolute path component of the URI—everything starting with the "/" that follows the domain name and up to the end of the string or to the question mark character ("?") if the given URL has query string parameters.
queryString() A string in the format param1=value1&param2=value2&…, where the query parameters are sorted in alphabetical order of the parameter names. In case multiple values are present for a parameter, the query parameters are sorted in alphabetical order of the parameter names and subsequently by the parameter values for each such paramter. Both the parameter names and their values should be trimmed for leading and trailing whitespaces, should be in their normal pre-encoded format. Only parameters with non-empty values, after trimming the leading and trailing whitespaces, should be included. If there are no query parameters at all, the queryString() should evaluate to an empty string (“”).
headers() A string in the format header1=value1&header2=value2&.......&headerN=valueN. The headers are to be sorted alphabetically. Both the header names and their values must be trimmed for leading and trailing white-space, and in their normal pre-encoded format . Only the headers listed by the application and those that are non-empty, after trimming the leading and trailing whitespaces, are to be included.
payload() The raw HTTP body

HTTP Response Codes

Http Response Codes

Code Reason
200 - OK Successfully processed the request
201 - Created The object was successfully created
400 - Bad Request The request was rejected, most likely due to invalid parameters
401, 403 - Unauthorized, Forbidden Unauthorized or forbidden request
404 - Not Found The resource does not exist
409 - Conflict This typically occurs when duplicate requests are received even while the original request is being processed.
422 - Unprocessable Entity The request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, instructions.
500 - Internal Server Error Something went wrong with Orbipay and the request could not be processed.

Orbipay uses standard HTTP response codes to return the status of an API call. Additional information, such as errors, may be useful to a caller. An HTTP response code of 2xx indicates success. In this case, additional information pertaining to the request is sent back in the header parameters. An HTTP response code of 4xx indicates a client error and 5xx indicates a processing error. In these cases, Orbipay also returns a list of errors in the response body in JSON. Each error has a code, message, and specifics on which field the error pertains to (if applicable.)

Custom Fields

Custom fields are useful for storing additional structured information on an object. Please check with the specific Resource definition below to check if it supports custom fields. For example, you could store the customer’s full name and corresponding unique identifier from your system, on a Orbipay Customer object. Custom fields are only captured and stored by Orbipay and not used for processing of any sort. Please contact for any additional requirement you may have on custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.


As per REST guidelines, Orbipay API supports hypermedia. This allows for simple and intuitive navigation between the resources, making it easy to fetch associated metadata for any given resource.


The various Retrieve methods listed below, like Retrieve Customers, Retrieve Payments and Retrieve Funding Accounts return a list of results matching the specified filter criteria. However, all the items in the list are not returned at once, but instead are returned in groups called pages. The size of the page can be set by the caller using the request parameter called page_size. The default page size is 10.

Each page of results consists of a list of items, the url to fetch any page in the list along with the from index and the to index of the results on that page. If both from_index and to_index are provided, only from_index is considered.To fetch any page in the list, the appropriate query string has to be appended to the url. This can be done as follows.

<url>&from_index=<new from index>&page_size=<page size> ( or ) <url>&to_index=<new to index>&page_size=<page size>

For e.g., the second page of a list with a page size of 10 would return with from_index 11 and to_index 20. To retrieve the third page, the from_index to be used in the request would be 21 and for the first page would be 1. The third page could be retrieved using any of the following urls.

<url>&from_index=21&page_size=10 ( or ) <url>&to_index=30&page_size=10

Error Codes


{ "errors": [ { "code": "error_field", "message": "The error returned if a mandatory field is missing value or if the value is invalid. This is accompanied by the field that caused the error.", "field": "account_number" } ] }

An HTTP response code of 4xx indicates a client error and 5xx indicates a processing error. In these cases, Orbipay also returns a list of errors in the response body in JSON. Each error has a code, message, and specifics on which field the error pertains to (if applicable). The Payments API specific error codes are described here.

code message
error_field The error returned if a mandatory field is missing value or if the value is invalid. This is accompanied by the field that caused the error.
error_customer_missing The request cannot be processed due to invalid customer details.
error_dda_invalid The request cannot be processed due to invalid bank details.
error_payment_rejected The payment is rejected due to business rules violation.
error_payment_disallowed The payment is disallowed due to business rules violation.
error_duplicate_payment The payment is rejected as it duplicates an existing one.
error_payment_update_disallowed The payment cannot be modified due to business rules violation.
error_funding_account_missing The request cannot be processed due to invalid funding account.
error_duplicate_customer The request cannot be processed since one or more customers with the same details exist already.
error_card_expiry The payment is rejected as the card expires before the payment date.
error_card_auth The card could not be authorized.
error_customer_account_missing The request can not be processed with the given account information.
error_customer_account_invalid The request can not be processed with the given account information.
error_duplicate_customer_account The request cannot be processed since one or more customer accounts with the same details exist already.
error_card_invalid Invalid card.
error_insufficient_balance The funding account does not have sufficient balance.
error_card_declined The card has been declined.
error_funding_account_limit_reached The funding account cannot be added since it has reached the maximum limit of funding accounts per customer.
error_tech_difficulties There is a problem processing this request due to technical difficulties.
error_card_cvv_mismatch The payment is rejected as the card CVV details mismatch with cardholders bank.
error_card_avs_mismatch The payment is rejected as the card AVS details mismatch with cardholders bank.
error_funding_account_update_disallowed The funding account cannot be modified due to business rules violation.
error_duplicate_funding_account The funding account is rejected as it duplicates an existing one.
error_unsupported_card The request cannot be processed as the card is not supported for the client.
error_fee_amount_disallowed The fee amount cannot be accepted as it's configured to be calculated by Orbipay.
error_customer_account_limit_reached The request cannot be processed since it has reached the maximum limit of customer accounts per customer. This generally occurs when a new customer account is trying to be added for an existing customer or multiple customer accounts are trying to be added for a new customer and multiple customer accounts are not supported for the client.
error_customer_forbidden The request cannot be processed as the customer may be suspended or revoked. In such cases the customer is forbidden from performing actions like making payments and adding funding accounts.
error_funding_account_unusable The request cannot be processed as the funding account is unusable. Funding accounts that are in statuses like inactive, suspended and deleted cannot be used for making payments.
error_funding_account_blocked The request cannot be processed as the funding account is blocked.
error_funding_account_disallowed The request cannot be processed as the funding account status does not allow it. Funding accounts that are in statuses like inactive, suspended and frozen cannot be updated. New funding accounts cannot be created if another one with the same details is in one of the above statuses.
error_funding_account_address_disallowed The request cannot be processed as the funding account with the given address is not allowed. This generally occurs when funding accounts with overseas addresses are used and the client has not opted for the same.
error_payment_not_schedulable The payment cannot be scheduled for the date provided since it might be a holiday or past cut-off time.
error_payment_setup_disallowed The payment setup is disallowed due to business rules violation.
error_refund_disallowed The refund is disallowed due to business rules violation.
error_payment_setup_limit_amount_disallowed The maximum payment limit amount cannot be accepted for the payment setup as it is not configured by the client with Orbipay.
error_customer_account_update_disallowed The customer account cannot be modified due to business rules violation.
error_customer_account_disallowed The customer account cannot be added or updated to requested customer as it is associated with another customer.
error_funding_account_invalid The request can not be processed with the given funding account information.
error_dda_verification_failed dda verification failed.
error_dda_verification_limit_reached The dda account cannot be added since it has reached the maximum verification limit for the channel.
error_dda_verification_channel_limit_reached The dda account cannot be added since it has reached the maximum verification limit allowed from all channels.


Customers holds Customer Accounts. A Payment is always made against a Customer Account by/on behalf of a Customer using an associated Funding Account. Each of these resources is labeled with its own id in Orbipay.

Customer The individual or entity associated with a Customer Account.

Customer Account The billing account against which a customer makes payments.

Funding Account The credit, debit, or bank account being used to make a payment.

Payment The process through which funds from an associated Funding Account are applied towards a balance due on a Customer's billing account.

Payment Setup The process through which funds from an associated Funding Account are applied towards a balance due on a Customer's billing account on a recurring basis as per a template specified by the customer.

Refund The process which enable customers to get refunded for a payment that they made.

Duplicate Requests & Retries

We support idempotency for the HTTP methods POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH using the header parameter, namely, idempotent_request_key.

In other words, any POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH request will be considered as a duplicate request or retry and not reprocessed by Orbipay if all the request parameters, including the path and query parameters, the request headers and the request body, match with an earlier request. In case of duplicate requests or retries, the API response will be that of the original request.The only exceptions to this are the Retrieve API even though they may use HTTP POST. We do not consider duplicate requests for Retrieve API like Retrieve Customers, Retrieve Customer Accounts and Retrieve Funding Accounts as idempotent requests.

The idempotent_request_key is valid only for a duration of one hour from the time of the original request. Any duplicate request or retries after a gap of one hour from the original request will be considered as a fresh request and reprocessed by Orbipay.

Orbipay does not support retry of GET requests and these are processed every time, irrespective of the idempotent_request_key.

Request Headers

Every API call includes request headers. These HTTP header parameters are required to define the context in which the API is invoked.

  • channelstringrequired
  • The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.
  • client_keystringrequired
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the client.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}  
  • productstringrequired
  • The product identifier corresponding to the API.
  • Valid Values: orbipay_payments
  • timestampstringrequired
  • The timestamp for the moment when the API call is made, in the format, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
    For e.g., 2018-07-13 11:41:17.422+00:00 Please ensure that consecutive spaces are not used in the timestamp.
  • idempotent_request_keystringrequired
  • The unique token that clients can generate and maintain in order to identify an API request. This is used by Orbipay to identify duplicate requests and retrials. Please refer to the "Duplicate Requests & Retrials" section for more details.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  
  • requestor_typestringrequired
  • If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
    If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.
  • Valid Values: customer, external_user
  • requestorstringrequired
  • The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
    If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
    If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  
  • X-OPAY-Headersstring
  • Intended for the future use.

Response Headers

HTTP header parameters are returned as part of every API response. Most of these parameters match those sent in the request.

  • client_keystring
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the client.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}  
  • productstring
  • The product identifier corresponding to the API.
  • Valid Values: orbipay_payments
  • requestor_typestring
  • If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
    If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.
  • Valid Values: customer, external_user
  • requestorstring
  • The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
    If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
    If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  
  • timestampstring
  • The timestamp for the moment when the API call is made, in the format, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
    For e.g., 2018-07-13 11:41:17.422+00:00 Please ensure that consecutive spaces are not used in the timestamp.
  • idempotent_request_keystring
  • The unique token that clients can generate and maintain in order to identify an API request. This is used by Orbipay to identify duplicate requests and retrials. Please refer to the "Duplicate Requests & Retrials" section for more details.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  
  • request_uuidstring
  • The unique ID for the request, generated by Orbipay, that can be used for tracing and audit trail.
  • Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-z0-9]{0,50}  
  • response_codesstring
  • Codes corresponding to any additional information or warning, pertaining to the API call, in a comma separated format, that are returned in the response.
  • response_textstring
  • The text detailing any additional information or warning, pertaining to the API call, in a pipe separated format, that is returned in the response.
  • X-OPAY-Headersstring
  • Intended for the future use.

Payments API

API Endpoints Production: Sandbox:

The Payments API enables businesses to accept credit, debit, and bank account payments.


This section outlines the API required to exchange and manage customer information, such as customer account details.

The Customer Object

A Customer holds Customer Accounts. Customer Accounts are always associated with a Customer. A Customer can be an individual, or an entity - such as an organization or a business. A customer can be uniquely identified using any one of its attributes, namely, customer_reference, ssn, email or account number depending on the client's choice. If the requestor type is "customer" then one of the attributes that uniquely identifies a customer is mandatory.

Object JSON

    "first_name": "Michael", 
    "last_name": "Smith", 
    "middle_name": "S", 
    "gender": "male", 
    "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
    "ssn": "123456789", 
    "locale": "en_US", 
    "email": "", 
    "registered_email": "", 
    "home_phone": "1234567890", 
    "work_phone": "1234567890", 
    "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "status": "active", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
    "customer_accounts": {
        "list": [
                "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
                "nickname": "Smith", 
                "address": {
                    "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                    "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                    "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                    "address_state": "NJ", 
                    "address_country": "USA", 
                    "address_zip1": "12345", 
                    "address_zip2": "1234"
                "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
                "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
                "current_balance": "110.05", 
                "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
                "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
                "past_amount_due": "", 
                "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
                "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
                "status": "active", 
                "custom_fields": { }, 
                "comments": "comments ", 
                "audit_info": {
                    "created": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                    "last_modified": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts"
    "funding_accounts": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts"
    "payments": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments"
    "payment_setups": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups"
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

The first name of the customer. Either first_name or last_name is required to create a customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The last name of the customer. Either first_name or last_name is required to create a customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The middle name of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The gender of the customer.

Valid Values: male, female

The date of birth of the customer. It should be in the full-date format as per ISO8601, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The SSN of the customer if the account holder is an individual or the tax ID, if the customer is a business.

Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  

The language in which the customer wants the alerts and notifications from Orbipay. This is to be specified in the format,
< ISO-639-1 language code >_< ISO ALPHA-2 Country Code >.
For e.g., en_US indicates the language preference as US English, which is also the default value.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: ^[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}$  

The email address of the customer to which notifications from Orbipay will be sent. This will default to the registered_email while creating a customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^._`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._]+  

The email address of the customer registered with the client. This may be used to uniquely identify the customer if the client is set up accordingly in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^._`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._]+  

The home phone number of the customer.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{10}  

The work phone number of the customer.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{10}  

The mobile phone number of the customer.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{10}  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+(?:'[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+)*$  

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{2}  

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{3}  

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs. In the case of US, it's the 5 digit postal code used by the US Postal Service.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{5}  

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.This is not applicable and will be ignored in the case of non-US addresses.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{4}  

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.


The unique identifier in the client system for the customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: ^$|[0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\s\\"]+  

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

The status of the customer in Orbipay.

Valid Values: active, disabled, voluntary_cancellation, revoked, suspended, inactive

This URL fetches the Customer details.

Min. Items: 1  

The name as specified on the account.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The nickname by which a customer might want to identify the account.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+(?:'[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+)*$  

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{2}  

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{3}  

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs. In the case of US, it's the 5 digit postal code used by the US Postal Service.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{5}  

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.This is not applicable and will be ignored in the case of non-US addresses.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{4}  

The unique identifier in the client system for the customer account.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z._-]{0,50}  

The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the customer's account.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9-_/!@#$%&*{}. ']+  

The current balance on the customer's account with the biller.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The balance on the customer’s account with the biller as reported on the last statement.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The minimum payment amount, as specified by the biller, that needs to be made against the customer’s account.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The amount that is due from the past bills/statements on the customer’s account with the biller.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The date by which the customer needs to clear the dues against the customer's account with the biller. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date on which the biller generates the statement for the customer's account. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

Id is a unique identifier assigned to the customer account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

This URL fetches the Account details.


The status of the customer's account in Orbipay.

Valid Values: active, inactive, suspended, deleted, unverified, unusable

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


This URL fetches the list of Customer accounts of a customer.


This URL fetches the list of Funding accounts of a customer.


This URL fetches the list of payments of a customer.


This URL fetches the list of payment setups of a customer.


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000

Create Customer

Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "customer_accounts": [
            "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
            "nickname": "Smith", 
            "address": {
                "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                "address_state": "NJ", 
                "address_country": "USA", 
                "address_zip1": "12345", 
                "address_zip2": "1234"
            "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
            "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
            "current_balance": "110.05", 
            "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
            "minimum_payment_due": "10.05", 
            "past_amount_due": "", 
            "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
            "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
            "custom_fields": { }
    "comments": "creating customer Smith", 
    "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
    "first_name": "Michael", 
    "last_name": "Smith", 
    "middle_name": "S", 
    "gender": "male", 
    "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
    "ssn": "123456789", 
    "locale": "en_US", 
    "email": "", 
    "registered_email": "", 
    "home_phone": "1234567890", 
    "work_phone": "1234567890", 
    "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "custom_fields": { }

Example responses

    "first_name": "Michael", 
    "last_name": "Smith", 
    "middle_name": "S", 
    "gender": "male", 
    "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
    "ssn": "123456789", 
    "locale": "en_US", 
    "email": "", 
    "registered_email": "", 
    "home_phone": "1234567890", 
    "work_phone": "1234567890", 
    "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "status": "active", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
    "customer_accounts": {
        "list": [
                "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
                "nickname": "Smith", 
                "address": {
                    "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                    "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                    "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                    "address_state": "NJ", 
                    "address_country": "USA", 
                    "address_zip1": "12345", 
                    "address_zip2": "1234"
                "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
                "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
                "current_balance": "110.05", 
                "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
                "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
                "past_amount_due": "", 
                "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
                "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
                "status": "active", 
                "custom_fields": { }, 
                "comments": "comments ", 
                "audit_info": {
                    "created": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                    "last_modified": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts"
    "funding_accounts": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts"
    "payments": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments"
    "payment_setups": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups"
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers

The Create Customer API is used to register a customer with a biller in Orbipay. It is also mandatory to create a customer account for the customer. So, at least one customer account should be provided in order to register a customer. There is no limit on the number of accounts that can be associated with the customer. Either first_name or last_name is required to create a customer.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Object



The customer created, with the id for the same in Orbipay.

Get Customer

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "first_name": "Michael", 
    "last_name": "Smith", 
    "middle_name": "S", 
    "gender": "male", 
    "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
    "ssn": "123456789", 
    "locale": "en_US", 
    "email": "", 
    "registered_email": "", 
    "home_phone": "1234567890", 
    "work_phone": "1234567890", 
    "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "status": "active", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
    "customer_accounts": {
        "list": [
                "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
                "nickname": "Smith", 
                "address": {
                    "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                    "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                    "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                    "address_state": "NJ", 
                    "address_country": "USA", 
                    "address_zip1": "12345", 
                    "address_zip2": "1234"
                "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
                "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
                "current_balance": "110.05", 
                "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
                "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
                "past_amount_due": "", 
                "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
                "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
                "status": "active", 
                "custom_fields": { }, 
                "comments": "comments ", 
                "audit_info": {
                    "created": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                    "last_modified": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts"
    "funding_accounts": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts"
    "payments": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments"
    "payment_setups": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups"
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

GET /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}

The Get Customer API is used to retrieve the details of the customer based on the id.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  


The customer along with the list of customer accounts available to the customer

Update Customer

Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "first_name": "Michael", 
    "last_name": "Smith", 
    "middle_name": "S", 
    "gender": "male", 
    "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
    "ssn": "123456789", 
    "locale": "en_US", 
    "email": "", 
    "registered_email": "", 
    "home_phone": "1234567890", 
    "work_phone": "1234567890", 
    "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "status": "active", 
    "customer_accounts": [
            "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
            "nickname": "Smith", 
            "address": {
                "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                "address_state": "NJ", 
                "address_country": "USA", 
                "address_zip1": "12345", 
                "address_zip2": "1234"
            "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
            "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
            "current_balance": "110.05", 
            "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
            "minimum_payment_due": "10.05", 
            "past_amount_due": "", 
            "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
            "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "status": "active"
    "comments": "updating customer Smith"

Example responses

    "first_name": "Michael", 
    "last_name": "Smith", 
    "middle_name": "S", 
    "gender": "male", 
    "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
    "ssn": "123456789", 
    "locale": "en_US", 
    "email": "", 
    "registered_email": "", 
    "home_phone": "1234567890", 
    "work_phone": "1234567890", 
    "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "status": "active", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
    "customer_accounts": {
        "list": [
                "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
                "nickname": "Smith", 
                "address": {
                    "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                    "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                    "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                    "address_state": "NJ", 
                    "address_country": "USA", 
                    "address_zip1": "12345", 
                    "address_zip2": "1234"
                "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
                "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
                "current_balance": "110.05", 
                "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
                "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
                "past_amount_due": "", 
                "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
                "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
                "status": "active", 
                "custom_fields": { }, 
                "comments": "comments ", 
                "audit_info": {
                    "created": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                    "last_modified": {
                        "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                        "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                        "requestor": "1234567", 
                        "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts"
    "funding_accounts": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts"
    "payments": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments"
    "payment_setups": {
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups"
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

PUT /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}

The Update Customer API is used to edit the customer's personal details, accounts or the customer's status. Only the information being updated needs to be sent in the request, along with the id of the customer being updated. A customer can also be associated with new customer accounts using the API.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The customer along with the list of customer accounts updated for the customer.

Retrieve Customers

Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "list": [
            "first_name": "Michael", 
            "last_name": "Smith", 
            "middle_name": "S", 
            "gender": "male", 
            "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
            "ssn": "123456789", 
            "locale": "en_US", 
            "email": "", 
            "registered_email": "", 
            "home_phone": "1234567890", 
            "work_phone": "1234567890", 
            "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
            "address": {
                "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                "address_state": "NJ", 
                "address_country": "USA", 
                "address_zip1": "12345", 
                "address_zip2": "1234"
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
            "id": "123456789", 
            "status": "active", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
            "customer_accounts": {
                "list": [
                        "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
                        "nickname": "Smith", 
                        "address": {
                            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                            "address_state": "NJ", 
                            "address_country": "USA", 
                            "address_zip1": "12345", 
                            "address_zip2": "1234"
                        "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
                        "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
                        "current_balance": "110.05", 
                        "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
                        "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
                        "past_amount_due": "", 
                        "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
                        "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
                        "id": "123456789", 
                        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
                        "status": "active", 
                        "custom_fields": { }, 
                        "comments": "comments ", 
                        "audit_info": {
                            "created": {
                                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                                "requestor": "1234567", 
                                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                            "last_modified": {
                                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                                "requestor": "1234567", 
                                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts"
            "funding_accounts": {
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts"
            "payments": {
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments"
            "payment_setups": {
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups"
            "audit_info": {
                "created": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "last_modified": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "total_results_count": "1", 
    "has_more_results": "false", 
    "url": "/customers/lists?query_id=cakbhjaksgasdfauw61r27", 
    "from_index": "1", 
    "to_index": "1", 
    "query_id": "cakbhjaksgasdfauw61r27"

POST /customers/lists

This API is used to retrieve/lookup customers from Orbipay. Customers can be retrieved matching criteria that includes the customer_reference, the ssn, the email or the customer account number.

Request content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • page_sizestringin: query
  • The maximum number of objects returned in the query.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  
  • customer_referencestringin: formData
  • Unique ID assigned by the biller/client system for a given customer.
  • Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: ^$|[0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\s\\"]+  
  • ssnstringin: formData
  • The SSN of the customer if the account holder is an individual or the tax ID, if the customer is a business.
  • Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  
  • emailstringin: formData
  • This field contains the customer’s email address within Orbipay.
  • Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^._`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._]+  
  • account_numberstringin: formData
  • Customer Account Number of the customer to get details of.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9-_/!@#$%&*{}. ']+  


The list of customers matching the criteria provided, the total results count and the urls to get the next/previous pages.

Customer Account

This section outlines the API required to manage Customer Accounts.

The Customer Account Object

Central to Orbipay Payment API, a Customer Account is the virtual destination against which a Payment is made. A Customer Account has balance, inflow and outflow like any bank or card account. Examples of Customer Accounts include:
Billing Accounts - against which bill payments can be made
Vendor Accounts - against which invoice payments can be made

Object JSON

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
    "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
    "current_balance": "110.05", 
    "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
    "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
    "past_amount_due": "", 
    "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
    "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
    "status": "active", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "comments": "comments ", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

The name as specified on the account.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The nickname by which a customer might want to identify the account.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+(?:'[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+)*$  

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{2}  

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{3}  

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs. In the case of US, it's the 5 digit postal code used by the US Postal Service.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{5}  

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.This is not applicable and will be ignored in the case of non-US addresses.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{4}  

The unique identifier in the client system for the customer account.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z._-]{0,50}  

The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the customer's account.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9-_/!@#$%&*{}. ']+  

The current balance on the customer's account with the biller.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The balance on the customer’s account with the biller as reported on the last statement.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The minimum payment amount, as specified by the biller, that needs to be made against the customer’s account.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The amount that is due from the past bills/statements on the customer’s account with the biller.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 18  Reg. Exp.: (\+|\-)?([0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?)  

The date by which the customer needs to clear the dues against the customer's account with the biller. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date on which the biller generates the statement for the customer's account. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

Id is a unique identifier assigned to the customer account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

This URL fetches the Account details.


The status of the customer's account in Orbipay.

Valid Values: active, inactive, suspended, deleted, unverified, unusable

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000

Retrieve Customer Accounts

Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "list": [
            "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
            "nickname": "Smith", 
            "address": {
                "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                "address_state": "NJ", 
                "address_country": "USA", 
                "address_zip1": "12345", 
                "address_zip2": "1234"
            "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
            "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
            "current_balance": "110.05", 
            "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
            "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
            "past_amount_due": "", 
            "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
            "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
            "status": "active", 
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "comments": "comments ", 
            "audit_info": {
                "created": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "last_modified": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "total_results_count": "1", 
    "has_more_results": "false", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/lists?query_id=cakbhjaksgasdlk78986rd", 
    "from_index": "1", 
    "to_index": "1", 
    "query_id": "cakbhjaksgasdlk78986rd"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/lists

The API is used to retrieve all the customer accounts associated with a customer. The accounts can be filtered using the account number, status.

Request content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • page_sizestringin: query
  • The maximum number of objects returned in the query.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  
  • account_numberstringin: formData
  • The Account Number to get details of.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9-_/!@#$%&*{}. ']+  
  • statusstringin: formData
  • The status of the customer's account in Orbipay. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: active, inactive, suspended, deleted, unverified, unusable


List of customer accounts matching the criteria provided, the total results count and the urls to get the next/previous pages.

Get Customer Account

Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
    "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
    "current_balance": "110.05", 
    "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
    "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
    "past_amount_due": "", 
    "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
    "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
    "status": "active", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "comments": "comments ", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

GET /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}

The Get Customer Account API is used to retrieve the details of a customer account based on the id.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the Customer Account.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  


The customer account.

Renew Customer Account

Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.

Request JSON

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
    "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
    "current_balance": "110.05", 
    "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
    "minimum_payment_due": "10.05", 
    "past_amount_due": "", 
    "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
    "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "comments": "comments "

Example responses

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
    "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
    "current_balance": "110.05", 
    "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
    "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
    "past_amount_due": "", 
    "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
    "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
    "status": "active", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "comments": "comments ", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}/renew

This API is used to renew a customer account. The API migrates all the pending payments and active payment setups from the original customer account to the new one.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the Customer Account.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The customer account.

Funding Account

This section outlines the API required to enable customers to manage their funding accounts.

The Funding Account Object

A Customer makes a Payment using a Funding Account. Orbipay supports the use of the following bank and card accounts:

Savings AccountVisaVisa
Current AccountMastercardMastercard
Money Market AccountAmerican ExpressDiscover

Object JSON

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
    "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
    "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "account_type": "bank", 
    "status": "active", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

The name as specified on the account.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The nickname by which a customer might want to identify the account.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+(?:'[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+)*$  

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{2}  

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{3}  

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs. In the case of US, it's the 5 digit postal code used by the US Postal Service.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9 -]{2,10}  

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.This is not applicable and will be ignored in the case of non-US addresses.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{4}  

The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the funding account.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The ABA/Routing number for the bank account.

Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  

The name of the authority that has issued the account. This is relevant only in the case of bank accounts.

Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The three-letter currency code in the ISO4217 format, in uppercase, for the card account. It must be a currency supported by Orbipay. This defaults to USD.

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [A-Z]{3}  

The expiry date for the card. This is to be in the format MM/yy. Only applicable for cards accounts.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}  

The type of ownership for the funding account. This is applicable only in the case of bank accounts and it is defaults to personal.

Valid Values: personal, business

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.


The sub type of the funding account. This is derived by Orbipay in the case of card funding accounts. It needs to be passed when adding or editing a DDA/bank account. For e.g., a savings account, a checking account.

Valid Values: savings, checking, money_market, visa_credit, mastercard_credit, american_express_credit, discover_credit, visa_debit, mastercard_debit, discover_debit

Id is a unique identifier assigned to the funding account in Orbipay. A new Id is generated for the funding account when the account number is updated.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

This URL fetches the funding account details.


Indicates if the funding account can be debited vide ACH, in case the funding account is a Demand Deposit Account (DDA).

Valid Values: yes, no

Indicates if the funding account can be debited vide the ATM Rail network, in case the funding account is a Debit Card.

Valid Values: yes, no

This is never returned by Orbipay. This needs to be passed to Orbipay when adding or editing a card funding account.

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  

The type of the funding account.

Valid Values: bank, debit_card, credit_card

The status of the funding account in Orbipay.

Valid Values: active, inactive, frozen, deleted, suspended, unverified, unusable

The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000

Add Funding Account

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
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Request JSON

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "123450206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "comments": "Adding fund source"

Example responses

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
    "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
    "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "account_type": "bank", 
    "status": "active", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts

This API is used to add a funding account for the customer. The funding account is available for servicing all the customer accounts the customer holds. An exhaustive set of account types are supported as funding accounts as indicated in the field account_subtype. ABA routing number and account sub-type are mandatory for bank accounts. Expiry date, address fields and Card CVV are required for card accounts.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The funding account created, with the id for the same in Orbipay.

Retrieve Funding Accounts

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Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "list": [
            "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
            "nickname": "Smith", 
            "address": {
                "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                "address_state": "NJ", 
                "address_country": "USA", 
                "address_zip1": "12345", 
                "address_zip2": "1234"
            "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
            "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
            "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
            "currency_code3d": "USD", 
            "expiry_date": "", 
            "account_holder_type": "personal", 
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "account_subtype": "savings", 
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
            "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
            "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
            "card_cvv_number": "", 
            "account_type": "bank", 
            "status": "active", 
            "audit_info": {
                "created": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "last_modified": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "total_results_count": "1", 
    "has_more_results": "false", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/lists?query_id=cakbhjaksgasdjy5r67rfuf", 
    "from_index": "1", 
    "to_index": "1", 
    "query_id": "cakbhjaksgasdjy5r67rfuf"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/lists

This API is used to retrieve all the funding accounts associated with a customer. Accounts can be filtered using the account number, the ABA routing number (for bank accounts), the account status, account type, account sub-type and others mentioned below. The results are sorted based on their last_modified_time in descending order.

Request content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • page_sizestringin: query
  • The maximum number of objects returned in the query.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  
  • account_numberstringin: formData
  • The Account Number to get details of.
  • Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  
  • statusstringin: formData
  • The status of the funding account in Orbipay. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: active, inactive, frozen, deleted, suspended, unverified, unusable
  • aba_routing_numberstringin: formData
  • The ABA/Routing number for the bank account.
  • Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  
  • account_typestringin: formData
  • The type of the funding account. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: bank, debit_card, credit_card
  • account_subtypestringin: formData
  • The sub type of the funding account. This is derived by Orbipay in the case of card funding accounts. It needs to be passed when adding or editing a DDA/bank account.
  • Valid Values: savings, checking, money_market, visa_credit, mastercard_credit, american_express_credit, discover_credit, visa_debit, mastercard_debit, discover_debit


The list of funding accounts matching the criteria provided, the total results count and the urls to get the next/previous pages.

Get Funding Account

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
    "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
    "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "account_type": "bank", 
    "status": "active", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

GET /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}

The Get Funding Account API is used to retrieve the details of the funding account based on the id.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the Funding Account.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  


The funding account with the id provided.

Update Funding Account

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "123450206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "status": "active", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "comments": "updating fund source"

Example responses

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
    "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
    "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "account_type": "bank", 
    "status": "active", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

PUT /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}

The API is used to edit the funding account details. The type of the funding account cannot be changed. In other words, a card account cannot be changed to a bank account and vice versa. The sub-type of a bank account can be changed. For e.g., a saving account can be updated to a money market account. However, the sub-type cannot be updated for a card account. CVV is mandatory to make any change to a card account. The Id of the funding account gets updated to a new value if the account number is updated. Editing a funding account updates the account information on all pending payments made using that account but does not change the details on payments that have been completed.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the Funding Account.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The updated funding account.

Delete Funding Account

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Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "comments": "deleting fund source"

Example responses

    "deleted": "true", 
    "id": "string"

DELETE /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}

The Delete Funding Account API is used to delete the funding account of a customer. All pending payments made with that account are cancelled upon deletion of the funding account.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the Funding Account.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The id of the funding account being deleted and the status of the deletion.

Replace Funding Account

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.

Request JSON

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "expiry_date": "01/18", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "card_cvv_number": "321", 
    "comments": "Adding fund source"

Example responses

    "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
    "nickname": "Smith", 
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
        "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
        "address_city": "Piscataway", 
        "address_state": "NJ", 
        "address_country": "USA", 
        "address_zip1": "12345", 
        "address_zip2": "1234"
    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
    "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "expiry_date": "", 
    "account_holder_type": "personal", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "account_subtype": "savings", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
    "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
    "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "account_type": "bank", 
    "status": "active", 
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}/replacement

The API is used to replace the funding account details. The type of the funding account cannot be replaced. In other words, a card account cannot be replaced to a bank account and vice versa. CVV is mandatory to make any change to a card account.Replacing a funding account updates the account information on all pending payments made using that account but does not change the details on payments that have been completed.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the Funding Account.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The replaced funding account.


This section outlines the API required to enable customers to manage their payments.

The Payment Object

A Payment is always made using a Funding Account. Payments are initiated by a Customer or on behalf of a Customer (i.e., by a customer service agent).Payments follow a "good funds" model, which means the customer must ensure the funds required to make a payment are available in the funding account before initiating the transaction. Payments can be scheduled for the same day or a later date. The actual settlement of the funds will depend on the payment method used (i.e., credit card, ACH etc.) and other factors.

Object JSON

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_schedule_type": "one_time_payment", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "expected_payment_settlement_date": "", 
    "payment_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_return_date": "", 
    "return_code": "", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

This URL fetches the details of payment.


The way the fee is being charged to the customer. Fee could be added to the amount being paid, or, it could be charged separately by the biller. The fee_type would default to add_to_principal if the fee is not configured for the client in Orbipay.

Valid Values: add_to_principal, bill_separately

The fee amount upto 2 decimal places.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the fee. In case of split fee.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the details of fee as a payment resource. In case of split fee.


The status of the payment.

Valid Values: scheduled, cancelled, processing, processed, returned, declined, disputed, refunded

The fulfillment method for the payment.

Valid Values: ach, check, visa_debit, pinless_debit, master_debit, amex_credit, discover_credit, visa_credit, master_credit, cash, discover_debit

The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the payment.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.


The three-letter currency code in the ISO4217 format, in uppercase, for the card account. It must be a currency supported by Orbipay. This defaults to USD.

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [A-Z]{3}  

The amount being paid. In case the payment_amount_type is 'discounted_amount', 'penalty_amount' or 'other', the amount needs to be specified. In other cases, this is derived from the payment_amount_type.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

This is never returned by Orbipay. This needs to be passed to Orbipay when making or editing a payment with a card funding account.

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{3,4}  

The date on which the payment is scheduled to be made. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The schedule type for the payment. This defaults to one_time_payment.

Valid Values: one_time_payment, autopay_generated_payment, variable_recurring_generated_payment, payment_plan_generated

The date on which the biller wants the payment to be settled. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD. This is applicable only if the client has opted for it.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The type of amount, as per the bill/statement, that is being paid. The payment amount is derived from the amount type selected for the payment. This defaults to other.

Valid Values: current_balance, minimum_payment_due, past_payment_due, statement_balance, discounted_amount, penalty_amount, other

The unique identifier in the client system for the payment.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z._-]{0,50}  

The date on which the payment is expected to be settled with the biller. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date on which the payment is captured in Orbipay. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date on which the ACH returns is received by Orbipay.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The ACH return code or the chargeback code received from Visa/Mastercard, in the event of returned payments.

Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [a-z0-9]{0,10}  

The customer making the payment


The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

The URL that can be used to fetch the details of the customer.


The unique identifier in the client system for the customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: ^$|[0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\s\\"]+  

The first name of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The last name of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The middle initial of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The email address of the customer to which notifications from Orbipay will be sent. This will default to the registered_email while creating a customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^._`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._]+  

The home phone number of the customer.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{10}  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+(?:'[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+)*$  

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{2}  

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{3}  

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs. In the case of US, it's the 5 digit postal code used by the US Postal Service.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{5}  

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.This is not applicable and will be ignored in the case of non-US addresses.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{4}  

The customer's funding account with which the payment is being made.


Id is a unique identifier assigned to the account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the funding account details.


The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the funding account.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The type of the funding account.

Valid Values: bank, debit_card, credit_card

The sub type of the funding account. This is derived by Orbipay in the case of card funding accounts. It needs to be passed when adding or editing a DDA/bank account.

Valid Values: savings, checking, money_market, visa_credit, mastercard_credit, american_express_credit, discover_credit, visa_debit, mastercard_debit, discover_debit

The ABA/Routing number for the bank account.

Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  

The name of the authority that has issued the account. This is relevant only in the case of bank accounts.

Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The customer account against which the payment is being made.


Id is a unique identifier assigned to the account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the customer account details.


The response received from either the ACH or Card network.


The Auth Code returned by the card gateway. This is relevant only for card payments.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,30}  

This is the ACH return code in the case of a returned payment over the NACHA ACH network. In the case of declined card payment, it's the decline code received from the card issuer or the card processor. In the case of a card chargeback, it's the chargeback code received from the card network.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,30}  

The text describing the appropriate code captured in the payment_response_code as received from the corresponding payment network.

Max. Length: 200  

The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000

Retrieve Payments

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "list": [
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
            "fee": {
                "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
                "fee_amount": "5.00", 
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
            "status": "scheduled", 
            "payment_method": "ach", 
            "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "currency_code3d": "USD", 
            "amount": "101.05", 
            "card_cvv_number": "", 
            "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "payment_schedule_type": "one_time_payment", 
            "payment_request_date": "", 
            "payment_amount_type": "other", 
            "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
            "expected_payment_settlement_date": "", 
            "payment_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "payment_return_date": "", 
            "return_code": "", 
            "customer": {
                "id": "12684515", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
                "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
                "first_name": "Michael", 
                "last_name": "Smith", 
                "middle_name": "S", 
                "email": "", 
                "home_phone": "1234567890", 
                "address": {
                    "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                    "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                    "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                    "address_state": "NJ", 
                    "address_country": "USA", 
                    "address_zip1": "12345", 
                    "address_zip2": "1234"
            "funding_account": {
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
                "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
                "account_type": "bank", 
                "account_subtype": "savings", 
                "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
                "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
            "customer_account": {
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
            "payment_network_response": {
                "payment_auth_code": "", 
                "payment_response_code": "", 
                "payment_response_msg": ""
            "audit_info": {
                "created": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "last_modified": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "total_results_count": "1", 
    "has_more_results": "false", 
    "url": "/payments?query_id=cakbhjaksgasdv6uiv6", 
    "from_index": "1", 
    "to_index": "1", 
    "query_id": "cakbhjaksgasdv6uiv6"

GET /payments

The API is used to retrieve the payments made by a customer. Payments can be filtered using the confirmation number, customer account, funding account, status and payment schedule type, by date range and others mentioned below. If no dates are provided for retrieval, payments in the last six months and all the payments scheduled for a future date are returned. In case a payment has failed due to ACH returns, then the payment return date and the return code will be available in the response.

If the requestor type is customer then the id_customer request parameter is mandatory.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • id_customerstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • id_funding_accountstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the funding account
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • id_customer_accountstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer account
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • confirmation_numberstringin: query
  • The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the successful payment.
  • Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  
  • statusstringin: query
  • The status of the payment. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: scheduled, cancelled, processing, processed, returned, declined, disputed, refunded
  • payment_schedule_typestringin: query
  • The schedule type for the payment setup. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: one_time_payment, autopay_generated_payment, variable_recurring_generated_payment, payment_plan_generated
  • from_datestringin: query
  • The date from which payments, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  
  • to_datestringin: query
  • The date upto which payments, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  
  • page_sizestringin: query
  • The maximum number of objects returned in the query.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  


List of payments matching the criteria provided, the total results count and the urls to get the next/previous pages.

Simple Payment

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.

Request JSON

    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_amount": "5.00"
    "customer": {
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "gender": "male", 
        "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
        "ssn": "123456789", 
        "locale": "en_US", 
        "email": "", 
        "registered_email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "work_phone": "1234567890", 
        "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
        "custom_fields": { }
    "funding_account": {
        "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
        "nickname": "Smith", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
        "account_number": "123450206", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "expiry_date": "", 
        "account_holder_type": "personal", 
        "custom_fields": { }, 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "card_cvv_number": ""
    "customer_account": {
        "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
        "nickname": "Smith", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
        "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
        "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
        "current_balance": "110.05", 
        "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
        "minimum_payment_due": "10.05", 
        "past_amount_due": "", 
        "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
        "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
        "custom_fields": { }
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "comments": "making a payment", 
    "custom_fields": { }

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_schedule_type": "one_time_payment", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "expected_payment_settlement_date": "", 
    "payment_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_return_date": "", 
    "return_code": "", 
    "customer": {
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "gender": "male", 
        "date_of_birth": "1980-11-11", 
        "ssn": "123456789", 
        "locale": "en_US", 
        "email": "", 
        "registered_email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "work_phone": "1234567890", 
        "mobile_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
        "custom_fields": { }, 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "status": "active", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "audit_info": {
            "created": {
                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                "requestor": "1234567", 
                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
            "last_modified": {
                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                "requestor": "1234567", 
                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "funding_account": {
        "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
        "nickname": "Smith", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME", 
        "currency_code3d": "USD", 
        "expiry_date": "", 
        "account_holder_type": "personal", 
        "custom_fields": { }, 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "ach_eligible_flag": "yes", 
        "atm_eligible_flag": "no", 
        "card_cvv_number": "", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "status": "active", 
        "audit_info": {
            "created": {
                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                "requestor": "1234567", 
                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
            "last_modified": {
                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                "requestor": "1234567", 
                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "customer_account": {
        "account_holder_name": "Michael Smith", 
        "nickname": "Smith", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
        "customer_account_reference": "EruOehjef1ByeQ9JWM2D", 
        "account_number": "478E4385e604B685", 
        "current_balance": "110.05", 
        "current_statement_balance": "100.05", 
        "minimum_payment_due": "100.05", 
        "past_amount_due": "", 
        "payment_due_date": "2018-11-11", 
        "statement_date": "2018-11-01", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
        "status": "active", 
        "custom_fields": { }, 
        "comments": "comments ", 
        "audit_info": {
            "created": {
                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                "requestor": "1234567", 
                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
            "last_modified": {
                "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                "requestor": "1234567", 
                "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /payments

The API is used to make payments to service a customer account. Client systems can provide the unique identifier for the payment in their system as payment_reference.

Fee amount and fee type are conditional and should be provided if the details of the fee to be charged are maintained in the client system. The fee types that are supported in Orbipay are add_to_principal and bill_separately. Alternatively, the fee information can be setup in Orbipay, in which case, these fields are ignored. If fee information is setup in the system, the details of the fee are returned in the response.

This API updates the details of the customer, customer account and the funding account if those exist in Orbipay or creates them otherwise.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • save_funding_accountstringin: query
  • query param
  • Valid Values: true

Request Object



The Payment object with confirmation number and id issued by Orbipay.

Create Payment

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_amount": "5.00"
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789"
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "comments": "making a payment", 
    "custom_fields": { }

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_schedule_type": "one_time_payment", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "expected_payment_settlement_date": "", 
    "payment_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_return_date": "", 
    "return_code": "", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments

The API is used to make payments to service a customer account. Client systems can provide the unique identifier for the payment in their system as payment_reference.

Fee amount and fee type are conditional and should be provided if the details of the fee to be charged are maintained in the client system. The fee types that are supported in Orbipay are add_to_principal and bill_separately. Alternatively, the fee information can be setup in Orbipay, in which case, these fields are ignored. If fee information is setup in the system, the details of the fee are returned in the response.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The Payment object with confirmation number and id issued by Orbipay.

Get Payment

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_schedule_type": "one_time_payment", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "expected_payment_settlement_date": "", 
    "payment_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_return_date": "", 
    "return_code": "", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

GET /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}

The API is used to retrieve the details of a payment by id.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  


The Payment with the id provided.

Update Payment

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "comments": "updating payment", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "fee": {
        "fee_amount": "5.00"
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789"

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_schedule_type": "one_time_payment", 
    "payment_request_date": "", 
    "payment_amount_type": "other", 
    "payment_reference": "PBruOrpMLl1dsBQ-1234567", 
    "expected_payment_settlement_date": "", 
    "payment_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_return_date": "", 
    "return_code": "", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

PUT /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}

The API is used to edit a payment. Only payments in scheduled status can be edited.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The Payment with the id provided, duly updated.

Delete Payment

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "comments": "deleting payment"

Example responses

    "deleted": "true", 
    "id": "string"

DELETE /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}

The API is used to delete or cancel a payment. Payments that are under processing or have already been processed cannot be deleted.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The id of the payment being deleted and the status of the deletion.

Payment Setup

This section outlines the API required to enable customers to set up and manage payment setups for their Customer Accounts.

The Payment Setup Object

Payments can be scheduled on a recurring basis – monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually. Customers can designate a fixed amount to pay for each billing cycle, or set the payment amount to automatically adjust to the current balance due based on a feed sent to Orbipay (this feature requires additional setup). Please contact for more details.

Object JSON

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "payment_setup_schedule_type": "variable_recurring_enrollment", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "next_payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_setup_reference": "1aQVAZ3kXTF0ocGgi_1212121", 
    "payment_schedule": {
        "payment_recurring_type": "monthly", 
        "payment_recurring_count": "10", 
        "payment_amount_type": "other", 
        "payment_start_date": "2020-07-01", 
        "payment_end_date": "", 
        "payment_limit_amount": "1000000", 
        "payment_plan_id": "", 
        "payment_defer_days": ""
    "payment_setup_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment setup.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

This URL fetches the details of payment setup.


The way the fee is being charged to the customer. Fee could be added to the amount being paid, or, it could be charged separately by the biller. The fee_type would default to add_to_principal if the fee is not configured for the client in Orbipay.

Valid Values: add_to_principal, bill_separately

The fee amount upto 2 decimal places.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the fee. In case of split fee.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the details of fee as a payment resource. In case of split fee.


The status of the payment.

Valid Values: scheduled, cancelled, processing, processed, returned, declined, disputed, refunded

The fulfillment method for the payment.

Valid Values: ach, check, visa_debit, pinless_debit, master_debit, amex_credit, discover_credit, visa_credit, master_credit, cash, discover_debit

The schedule type for the payment setup.

Valid Values: variable_recurring_enrollment, autopay_enrollment, payment_plan

The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the payment setup.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.


The three-letter currency code in the ISO4217 format, in uppercase, for the card account. It must be a currency supported by Orbipay. This defaults to USD.

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [A-Z]{3}  

The amount being paid. In case the payment_amount_type is 'discounted_amount', 'penalty_amount' or 'other', the amount needs to be specified. In other cases, this is derived from the payment_amount_type.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

This is never returned by Orbipay. This needs to be passed to Orbipay when making or editing a payment setup with a card funding account.

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{3,4}  

The date on which the payment is scheduled to be made. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The unique identifier in the client system for the payment setup.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z._-]{0,50}  

The schedule for the payments that are created as part of a payment setup like recurring payment or autopay.


The frequency of the payments created as part of a payment setup. This is applicable only for recurring payment setup, in which case it is mandatory.

Valid Values: daily, weekly, monthly, bi_monthly, bi_weekly, quarterly, half_yearly, annual

The maximum number of payments that can be created as part of a recurring payment setup. This cannot be specified for autopay setups.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  

The amount type that is used to set the amount for payments created as part of a recurring payment or autopay setup. In the case of a recurring payment setup, the payment amount can be specified by the customer. In that case, the payment_amount_type should not be sent as it would default to 'other'. In the case of an autopay setup, the payment amount type is mandatory and it cannot be specified as 'other'. In this case, the payment amount should not be sent.

Valid Values: current_balance, minimum_payment_due, past_payment_due, statement_balance, discounted_amount, penalty_amount, other

The date on which the first payment will be drafted as part of a recurring payment setup. This is to be specified in the ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD. This is mandatory for recurring payment setup. This cannot be specified for autopay setups.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date by which the last payment will be drafted as part of a recurring payment setup. This is to be specified in the ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD. This cannot be specified for autopay setups.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The upper limit for the payment amount in the case of recurring or autopay payments. Any amount above the limit will not be paid automatically as part of recurring payments and autopay.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

The reference to the payment plan, offered by the biller, that is used to set up the recurring payment. The list of payment plans offered is published as part of the biller set-up.

Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,9}  

The number of days from the bill due date that the customer wishes to delay the autopay payment by. By default an autopay payment is drafted on the bill due date.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  

The date on which the payment setup is captured in Orbipay. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The customer making the payment


The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

The URL that can be used to fetch the details of the customer.


The unique identifier in the client system for the customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: ^$|[0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\s\\"]+  

The first name of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The last name of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The middle initial of the customer.

Max. Length: 60  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The email address of the customer to which notifications from Orbipay will be sent. This will default to the registered_email while creating a customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^._`{|}~]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._]+  

The home phone number of the customer.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{10}  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  
Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+(?:'[0-9a-zA-Z ,.-]+)*$  

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

Min. Length: 2  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{2}  

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

Min. Length: 3  Max. Length: 3  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z]{3}  

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs. In the case of US, it's the 5 digit postal code used by the US Postal Service.

Min. Length: 5  Max. Length: 5  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{5}  

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.This is not applicable and will be ignored in the case of non-US addresses.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 4  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{4}  

The customer's funding account with which the payment is being made.


Id is a unique identifier assigned to the account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the funding account details.


The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the funding account.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The type of the funding account.

Valid Values: bank, debit_card, credit_card

The sub type of the funding account. This is derived by Orbipay in the case of card funding accounts. It needs to be passed when adding or editing a DDA/bank account.

Valid Values: savings, checking, money_market, visa_credit, mastercard_credit, american_express_credit, discover_credit, visa_debit, mastercard_debit, discover_debit

The ABA/Routing number for the bank account.

Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  

The name of the authority that has issued the account. This is relevant only in the case of bank accounts.

Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The customer account against which the payment is being made.


Id is a unique identifier assigned to the account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the customer account details.


The response received from either the ACH or Card network.


The Auth Code returned by the card gateway. This is relevant only for card payments.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,30}  

This is the ACH return code in the case of a returned payment over the NACHA ACH network. In the case of declined card payment, it's the decline code received from the card issuer or the card processor. In the case of a card chargeback, it's the chargeback code received from the card network.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,30}  

The text describing the appropriate code captured in the payment_response_code as received from the corresponding payment network.

Max. Length: 200  

The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000

Retrieve Payment Setups

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "list": [
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}", 
            "fee": {
                "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
                "fee_amount": "5.00", 
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
            "status": "scheduled", 
            "payment_method": "ach", 
            "payment_setup_schedule_type": "variable_recurring_enrollment", 
            "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "currency_code3d": "USD", 
            "amount": "101.05", 
            "card_cvv_number": "", 
            "next_payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "payment_setup_reference": "1aQVAZ3kXTF0ocGgi_1212121", 
            "payment_schedule": {
                "payment_recurring_type": "monthly", 
                "payment_recurring_count": "10", 
                "payment_amount_type": "other", 
                "payment_start_date": "2020-07-01", 
                "payment_end_date": "", 
                "payment_limit_amount": "1000000", 
                "payment_plan_id": "", 
                "payment_defer_days": ""
            "payment_setup_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "customer": {
                "id": "12684515", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
                "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
                "first_name": "Michael", 
                "last_name": "Smith", 
                "middle_name": "S", 
                "email": "", 
                "home_phone": "1234567890", 
                "address": {
                    "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
                    "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
                    "address_city": "Piscataway", 
                    "address_state": "NJ", 
                    "address_country": "USA", 
                    "address_zip1": "12345", 
                    "address_zip2": "1234"
            "funding_account": {
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
                "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
                "account_type": "bank", 
                "account_subtype": "savings", 
                "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
                "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
            "customer_account": {
                "id": "123456789", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
            "payment_network_response": {
                "payment_auth_code": "", 
                "payment_response_code": "", 
                "payment_response_msg": ""
            "audit_info": {
                "created": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "last_modified": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "total_results_count": "1", 
    "has_more_results": "false", 
    "url": "/paymentsetups?query_id=vu68cakbhjaksgasd", 
    "from_index": "1", 
    "to_index": "1", 
    "query_id": "vu68cakbhjaksgasd"

GET /paymentsetups

The API is used to retrieve the recurring and autopay payments setup made against a customer account. The setup can be filtered using the confirmation number, customer account, funding account, status and payment setup schedule type, by date range and others mentioned below. If no dates are provided for retrieval, recurring payments set up in the last six months and all the ones in future are returned. If the requestor type is customer then the id_customer request parameter is mandatory.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • id_customerstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • id_funding_accountstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the funding account
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • id_customer_accountstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer account
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • confirmation_numberstringin: query
  • The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the successful payment.
  • Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  
  • statusstringin: query
  • The status of the payment. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: scheduled, cancelled, processing, processed, returned, declined, disputed, refunded
  • payment_setup_schedule_typestringin: query
  • The schedule type for the payment setup. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: variable_recurring_enrollment, autopay_enrollment, payment_plan
  • from_datestringin: query
  • The date from which recurring payments setup, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  
  • to_datestringin: query
  • The date upto which recurring payments setup, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  
  • page_sizestringin: query
  • The maximum number of objects returned in the query.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  


List of recurring payments setup matching the criteria provided, the total results count and the urls to get the next/previous pages.

Create Payment Setup

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "payment_setup_reference": "1aQVAZ3kXTF0ocGgi_1212121", 
    "payment_setup_schedule_type": "variable_recurring_enrollment", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_amount": "5.00"
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789"
    "payment_schedule": {
        "payment_recurring_type": "monthly", 
        "payment_recurring_count": "10", 
        "payment_amount_type": "other", 
        "payment_start_date": "2020-07-01", 
        "payment_end_date": "", 
        "payment_limit_amount": "1000000", 
        "payment_plan_id": "", 
        "payment_defer_days": ""
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "comments": "string"

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "payment_setup_schedule_type": "variable_recurring_enrollment", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "next_payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_setup_reference": "1aQVAZ3kXTF0ocGgi_1212121", 
    "payment_schedule": {
        "payment_recurring_type": "monthly", 
        "payment_recurring_count": "10", 
        "payment_amount_type": "other", 
        "payment_start_date": "2020-07-01", 
        "payment_end_date": "", 
        "payment_limit_amount": "1000000", 
        "payment_plan_id": "", 
        "payment_defer_days": ""
    "payment_setup_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups

The API is used to set up recurring payments to service a customer account.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The payment setup

Get Payment Setup

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "payment_setup_schedule_type": "variable_recurring_enrollment", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "next_payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_setup_reference": "1aQVAZ3kXTF0ocGgi_1212121", 
    "payment_schedule": {
        "payment_recurring_type": "monthly", 
        "payment_recurring_count": "10", 
        "payment_amount_type": "other", 
        "payment_start_date": "2020-07-01", 
        "payment_end_date": "", 
        "payment_limit_amount": "1000000", 
        "payment_plan_id": "", 
        "payment_defer_days": ""
    "payment_setup_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

GET /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}

The API is used to retrieve the details of a recurring payment setup by id.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENT_SETUPstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment setup.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  


The payment setup with the id provided.

Update Payment Setup

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.

Request JSON

    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789"
    "payment_schedule": {
        "payment_limit_amount": "1000000"
    "comments": "string"

Example responses

    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}", 
    "fee": {
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal", 
        "fee_amount": "5.00", 
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fees/{ID_FEE}"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "payment_method": "ach", 
    "payment_setup_schedule_type": "variable_recurring_enrollment", 
    "confirmation_number": "A12N12I12L", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "currency_code3d": "USD", 
    "amount": "101.05", 
    "card_cvv_number": "", 
    "next_payment_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "payment_setup_reference": "1aQVAZ3kXTF0ocGgi_1212121", 
    "payment_schedule": {
        "payment_recurring_type": "monthly", 
        "payment_recurring_count": "10", 
        "payment_amount_type": "other", 
        "payment_start_date": "2020-07-01", 
        "payment_end_date": "", 
        "payment_limit_amount": "1000000", 
        "payment_plan_id": "", 
        "payment_defer_days": ""
    "payment_setup_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "customer": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
        "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121", 
        "first_name": "Michael", 
        "last_name": "Smith", 
        "middle_name": "S", 
        "email": "", 
        "home_phone": "1234567890", 
        "address": {
            "address_line1": "1551 South Washington Ave", 
            "address_line2": "Suite 130 Piscataway", 
            "address_city": "Piscataway", 
            "address_state": "NJ", 
            "address_country": "USA", 
            "address_zip1": "12345", 
            "address_zip2": "1234"
    "funding_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
        "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
        "account_type": "bank", 
        "account_subtype": "savings", 
        "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
        "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "customer_account": {
        "id": "123456789", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

PUT /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}

The API is used to edit a payment Setup. Only autopay payment setup is allowed to edit.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENT_SETUPstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment setup.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The Payment Setup with the id provided, duly updated.

Delete Payment Setup

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "comments": "string"

Example responses

    "deleted": "true", 
    "id": "string"

DELETE /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/paymentsetups/{ID_PAYMENT_SETUP}

The API is used to delete or cancel a recurring payment setup. Cancelling a payment setup will also cancel all the pending and future payments under the setup.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENT_SETUPstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment setup.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The id of the recurring payment setup being deleted and the status of the deletion.


This section outlines the API required to enable customers to get refunded for the payments made via Orbipay.

The Refund Object

Payments made using Orbipay can be fully or partially refunded as one or more refund transactions. Credits are posted to the funding source associated with the payment being refunded. Both ACH and card payment methods are supported for refunds. Only payments in the 'processed' status can be refunded.

Object JSON

    "refund_reference": "aQV1A2Z6kXTF70ocGgi_1317", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/refunds/{ID_REFUND}", 
    "refund_type": "payment_and_fee", 
    "refund_amount": "101.05", 
    "fee_refund": {
        "fee_refund_amount": "5.00", 
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "confirmation_number": "RM121R32147KT5V", 
    "refund_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "refund_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "expected_refund_settlement_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "source_payment": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
        "customer": {
            "id": "12684515", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
            "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121"
        "customer_account": {
            "id": "12684515", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
            "account_number": "478E4385e604B685"
        "funding_account": {
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
            "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
            "account_type": "bank", 
            "account_subtype": "savings", 
            "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
            "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

The unique identifier in the client system for the refund.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z._-]{0,50}  

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the refund.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the details of refund.


The portion of the payment amount that is to be or has been refunded. The original payment can be refunded fully including the amount and the fee components, or partially, for just the amount or the fee component. Refund can also be initiated for an arbitrary amount limited by the original payment amount.

Valid Values: payment_and_fee, payment_only, fee_only, other

The refund amount upto 2 decimal places.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

The refunded fee amount upto 2 decimal places.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 17  Reg. Exp.: ^[0-9]{1,14}(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?$  

The way the fee is being charged to the customer. Fee could be added to the amount being paid, or, it could be charged separately by the biller. The fee_type would default to add_to_principal if the fee is not configured for the client in Orbipay.

Valid Values: add_to_principal, bill_separately

The status of the refund.

Valid Values: scheduled, cancelled, processing, processed, declined, returned

The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the refund.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The date on which the refund is scheduled to be made. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date on which the refund captured in Orbipay. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The date by which the credits would be posted to the original funding account. ISO8601 full-date format, YYYY-MM-DD

Min. Length: 10  Max. Length: 10  Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact for more information on configuring and using custom fields.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the details of source payment.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the details of source payment.


The unique identifier in the client system for the customer.

Max. Length: 100  Reg. Exp.: ^$|[0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\s\\"]+  
Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the details of source payment.


The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the customer's account.

Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9-_/!@#$%&*{}. ']+  

The customer's funding account with which the payment is being made.


Id is a unique identifier assigned to the account in Orbipay.

Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{0,20}  

This URL fetches the funding account details.


The number or reference that a customer uses to identify the funding account.

Min. Length: 4  Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  

The type of the funding account.

Valid Values: bank, debit_card, credit_card

The sub type of the funding account. This is derived by Orbipay in the case of card funding accounts. It needs to be passed when adding or editing a DDA/bank account.

Valid Values: savings, checking, money_market, visa_credit, mastercard_credit, american_express_credit, discover_credit, visa_debit, mastercard_debit, discover_debit

The ABA/Routing number for the bank account.

Min. Length: 9  Max. Length: 9  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{9}  

The name of the authority that has issued the account. This is relevant only in the case of bank accounts.

Max. Length: 32  Reg. Exp.: [0-9a-zA-Z #,.'&/\-@!$%*()_+={}|:;`\[\]\^\~\\"]+  

The response received from either the ACH or Card network.


The Auth Code returned by the card gateway. This is relevant only for card payments.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,30}  

This is the ACH return code in the case of a returned payment over the NACHA ACH network. In the case of declined card payment, it's the decline code received from the card issuer or the card processor. In the case of a card chargeback, it's the chargeback code received from the card network.

Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{0,30}  

The text describing the appropriate code captured in the payment_response_code as received from the corresponding payment network.

Max. Length: 200  

The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000


The channel through which the API is invoked. Please contact to configure channels.


If an API is being requested from an application that is being used directly by a customer, like the customer portal and IVR, the requestor_type should be set to "customer".
If an API is being requested from an application that is being used by third party agents/brokers servicing a customer on behalf of a biller/client, then the requestor_type should be set to "external_user". It should be noted that these users would not have logins for the Orbipay EBPP Portal or Payment Center.

Valid Values: customer, external_user

The identifier for the requestor of the API, in Orbipay. The value to be passed in the requestor field would depend on the requestor_type.
If the requestor_type is "customer", the requestor should be the Orbipay generated customer id. In the case of self registration, where there is no Orbipay generated customer id yet, the requestor should be set to 'guest'.
If the requestor_type is "external_user", the requestor can be any unique identifier that the client may have for the external agent.

Max. Length: 50  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]{1,50}  

The UTC timestamp, in ISO8601 format, for the moment when the resource got created or modified in Orbipay. For e.g., 2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000

Create Refund

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Request JSON

    "refund_reference": "aQV1A2Z6kXTF70ocGgi_1317", 
    "refund_amount": "100.01", 
    "fee_refund": {
        "fee_refund_amount": "5.00"
    "comments": "initiating refund", 
    "custom_fields": { }

Example responses

    "refund_reference": "aQV1A2Z6kXTF70ocGgi_1317", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/refunds/{ID_REFUND}", 
    "refund_type": "payment_and_fee", 
    "refund_amount": "101.05", 
    "fee_refund": {
        "fee_refund_amount": "5.00", 
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "confirmation_number": "RM121R32147KT5V", 
    "refund_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "refund_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "expected_refund_settlement_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "source_payment": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
        "customer": {
            "id": "12684515", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
            "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121"
        "customer_account": {
            "id": "12684515", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
            "account_number": "478E4385e604B685"
        "funding_account": {
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
            "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
            "account_type": "bank", 
            "account_subtype": "savings", 
            "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
            "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

POST /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}/refunds

This API is used to initiate a refund. Any payment made using Orbipay can be refunded. Customer cannot initiate a refund request. In other words, the Create Refund request will fail if the associated requestor_type is customer. The refund types that are supported in Orbipay are payment_and_fee, payment_only, fee_only, other. The amount is optional and needs to be specified only if it's a partial refund i.e., the refund type is other.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_PAYMENTstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  

Request Object



The refund object with confirmation number, id, status, expected settlement date and corresponding payment reference.

Get Refund

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.

Example responses

    "refund_reference": "aQV1A2Z6kXTF70ocGgi_1317", 
    "id": "123456789", 
    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/refunds/{ID_REFUND}", 
    "refund_type": "payment_and_fee", 
    "refund_amount": "101.05", 
    "fee_refund": {
        "fee_refund_amount": "5.00", 
        "fee_type": "add_to_principal"
    "status": "scheduled", 
    "confirmation_number": "RM121R32147KT5V", 
    "refund_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "refund_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "expected_refund_settlement_date": "2020-07-01", 
    "custom_fields": { }, 
    "source_payment": {
        "id": "12684515", 
        "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
        "customer": {
            "id": "12684515", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
            "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121"
        "customer_account": {
            "id": "12684515", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
            "account_number": "478E4385e604B685"
        "funding_account": {
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
            "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
            "account_type": "bank", 
            "account_subtype": "savings", 
            "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
            "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
    "payment_network_response": {
        "payment_auth_code": "", 
        "payment_response_code": "", 
        "payment_response_msg": ""
    "audit_info": {
        "created": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
        "last_modified": {
            "channel": "Independent Agent", 
            "requestor_type": "external_user", 
            "requestor": "1234567", 
            "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"

GET /customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/refunds/{ID_REFUND}

The API is used to retrieve the details of a refund by id.

Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • ID_REFUNDstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the refund.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • ID_CUSTOMERstringin: path required
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  


The refund with the id provided.

Retrieve Refunds

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Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on the language button above to try out the API.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.
Please click on a language button to try out the API with code samples.

Example responses

    "list": [
            "refund_reference": "aQV1A2Z6kXTF70ocGgi_1317", 
            "id": "123456789", 
            "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/refunds/{ID_REFUND}", 
            "refund_type": "payment_and_fee", 
            "refund_amount": "101.05", 
            "fee_refund": {
                "fee_refund_amount": "5.00", 
                "fee_type": "add_to_principal"
            "status": "scheduled", 
            "confirmation_number": "RM121R32147KT5V", 
            "refund_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "refund_entry_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "expected_refund_settlement_date": "2020-07-01", 
            "custom_fields": { }, 
            "source_payment": {
                "id": "12684515", 
                "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/payments/{ID_PAYMENT}", 
                "customer": {
                    "id": "12684515", 
                    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}", 
                    "customer_reference": "IkdphX8DsEtOeOI_73823121"
                "customer_account": {
                    "id": "12684515", 
                    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/customeraccounts/{ID_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT}", 
                    "account_number": "478E4385e604B685"
                "funding_account": {
                    "id": "123456789", 
                    "url": "/customers/{ID_CUSTOMER}/fundingaccounts/{ID_FUNDING_ACCOUNT}", 
                    "account_number": "xxxxx0206", 
                    "account_type": "bank", 
                    "account_subtype": "savings", 
                    "aba_routing_number": "123456789", 
                    "issuer_name": "BANK ISSUER NAME"
            "payment_network_response": {
                "payment_auth_code": "", 
                "payment_response_code": "", 
                "payment_response_msg": ""
            "audit_info": {
                "created": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
                "last_modified": {
                    "channel": "Independent Agent", 
                    "requestor_type": "external_user", 
                    "requestor": "1234567", 
                    "timestamp": "2019-08-13T09:21:34.359+0000"
    "total_results_count": "1", 
    "has_more_results": "false", 
    "url": "/refunds?query_id=cakbhjaksgasdv6uiv6", 
    "from_index": "1", 
    "to_index": "1", 
    "query_id": "cakbhjaksgasdv6uiv6"

GET /refunds

The API is used to retrieve the refunds made to a customer against payments processed through Orbipay. Refunds can be filtered using the customer id, confirmation number of the payment being refunded or of the refund, status of the refund and others mentioned below. Scheduled refunds that are yet to be processed and all the refunds processed in the last six months are returned if date criteria is not specified.

If the requestor_type is customer then the id_customer request parameter is mandatory.

Request content type: application/json Response content type: application/json

Request Parameters

  • id_customerstringin: query
  • The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the customer.
  • Max. Length: 20  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]{1,20}  
  • confirmation_numberstringin: query
  • The confirmation number provided to the customer for the refund or for the corresponding successful payment.
  • Max. Length: 30  Reg. Exp.: [a-zA-Z0-9]+  
  • statusstringin: query
  • The status of the refund. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....
  • Valid Values: scheduled, cancelled, processing, processed, returned, declined
  • from_datestringin: query
  • The date from which refunds, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  
  • to_datestringin: query
  • The date upto which refunds, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.
  • Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD  
  • page_sizestringin: query
  • The maximum number of objects returned in the query.
  • Min. Length: 1  Max. Length: 2  Reg. Exp.: [0-9]+  


List of refunds matching the criteria provided, the total results count and the urls to get the next/previous pages.