Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- MySource_Sniffs_Channels_DisallowSelfActionsSniff
- Ensures that self and static are not used to call public methods in action classes.
- MySource_Sniffs_Channels_IncludeOwnSystemSniff
- Ensures that a system does not include itself.
- MySource_Sniffs_Channels_IncludeSystemSniff
- Ensures that systems, asset types and libs are included before they are used.
- MySource_Sniffs_Channels_UnusedSystemSniff
- Ensures that systems and asset types are used if they are included.
- MySource_Sniffs_Debug_DebugCodeSniff
- Warns about the use of debug code.
- MySource_Sniffs_Debug_FirebugConsoleSniff
- Ensures that console is not used for function or var names.
- MySource_Sniffs_Objects_AssignThisSniff
- Ensures this is not assigned to any other var but self.
- MySource_Sniffs_Objects_CreateWidgetTypeCallbackSniff
- Ensures the create() method of widget types properly uses callbacks.
- MySource_Sniffs_Objects_DisallowNewWidgetSniff
- Ensures that widgets are not manually created.
- MySource_Sniffs_PHP_AjaxNullComparisonSniff
- Ensures that values submitted via JS are not compared to NULL.
- MySource_Sniffs_PHP_EvalObjectFactorySniff
- Ensures that eval() is not used to create objects.
- MySource_Sniffs_PHP_GetRequestDataSniff
- Ensures that getRequestData() is used to access super globals.
- MySource_Sniffs_PHP_ReturnFunctionValueSniff
- Warns when function values are returned directly.
- MySource_Sniffs_Strings_JoinStringsSniff
- Ensures that strings are not joined using array.join().