OrbipayPaymentsapiClient - the Ruby gem for the Electronic Bill Presentment and Payments API
The Electronic Bill Presentment and Payments (EBPP) API enables businesses to accept bank account, credit and debit card payment
- API version: 1.10.0
- Package version: 1.10.0
- json >= 2.2.0
- ffi >= 1.11.3
- ethon >= 0.12.0
- typhoeus >= 1.3.1
- openssl >= 2.1.2
Manual Installation
Download the library from here
Install it using gem command ```shell script gem install orbipay_paymentsapi_client-1.10.0.gem
Getting Started
Enable the logging to have better insight into what the library is doing. you can enable it by setting a logger object to our module.
require 'logger'
logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
OrbipayPaymentsapiClient.logger = logger
Environmental Variables
This library provides a way to configure http_timeout and proxy_url through environment variables.
- Configure http_timeout through the environment variable ORBIPAY_PAYMENTS_API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS .
- Configure proxy_url through the environment variable ORBIPAY_PAYMENTS_API_PROXY
For example we can set proxy url and timeout (In Seconds) in linux using the below environment variables
```shell script export ORBIPAY_PAYMENTS_API_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = "60" export ORBIPAY_PAYMENTS_API_PROXY = "http://localhost:7000/proxy"
## Author