
new module:models/PaymentResponseCgen()

This class subject to change without prior notice, Please dont use this class directly.

Constructs a new PaymentResponseCgen.


static, readonly PaymentAmountTypeEnum :String

Allowed values for the payment_amount_type property.

Name Type Description
current_balance String

value: "current_balance"

minimum_payment_due String

value: "minimum_payment_due"

past_payment_due String

value: "past_payment_due"

statement_balance String

value: "statement_balance"

discounted_amount String

value: "discounted_amount"

penalty_amount String

value: "penalty_amount"

other String

value: "other"

static, readonly PaymentMethodEnum :String

Allowed values for the payment_method property.

Name Type Description
ach String

value: "ach"

check String

value: "check"

visa_debit String

value: "visa_debit"

pinless_debit String

value: "pinless_debit"

master_debit String

value: "master_debit"

amex_credit String

value: "amex_credit"

discover_credit String

value: "discover_credit"

visa_credit String

value: "visa_credit"

master_credit String

value: "master_credit"

cash String

value: "cash"

discover_debit String

value: "discover_debit"

static, readonly PaymentScheduleTypeEnum :String

Allowed values for the payment_schedule_type property.

Name Type Description
one_time_payment String

value: "one_time_payment"

autopay_generated_payment String

value: "autopay_generated_payment"

variable_recurring_generated_payment String

value: "variable_recurring_generated_payment"

payment_plan_generated String

value: "payment_plan_generated"

static, readonly StatusEnum :String

Allowed values for the status property.

Name Type Description
scheduled String

value: "scheduled"

cancelled String

value: "cancelled"

processing String

value: "processing"

processed String

value: "processed"

returned String

value: "returned"

declined String

value: "declined"

disputed String

value: "disputed"

refunded String

value: "refunded"

inner amount :String

The amount being paid. In case the payment_amount_type is 'discounted_amount', 'penalty_amount' or 'other', the amount needs to be specified. In other cases, this is derived from the payment_amount_type.

inner audit_info :module:models/AuditInfoVo

inner card_cvv_number :String

This is never returned by Orbipay. This needs to be passed to Orbipay when making or editing a payment with a card funding account.

inner comments :String

Comments that can be used to recollect the operation performed on the resource object. API clients need to ensure that no sensitive information is passed in the memo. Alacriti (Orbipay) is not responsible for the security of any sensitive information that may be passed as part of the memo.

inner confirmation_number :String

The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the payment.

inner currency_code3d :String

The three-letter currency code in the ISO4217 format, in uppercase, for the card account. It must be a currency supported by Orbipay. This defaults to USD.

inner custom_fields :Object.<String, String>

The additional information or meta-information that Orbipay can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with Orbipay before they can be accepted. Orbipay would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact <a href = "mailto:"> for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in Orbipay, would be accepted in the requests.

inner customer :module:models/CustomerSnapshotResponse

inner customer_account :module:models/CustomerAccountSnapshotResponse

inner deleted :String

The status of payment which says whether the payment is deleted or not

inner expected_payment_settlement_date :String

The date on which the payment is expected to be settled with the biller. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

inner fee :module:models/FeeResponse

inner funding_account :module:models/FundingAccountSnapshotResponse

inner id :String

The unique identifier assigned by Orbipay to the payment.

inner payment_amount_type :module:models/PaymentResponseCgen.PaymentAmountTypeEnum

The type of amount, as per the bill/statement, that is being paid. The payment amount is derived from the amount type selected for the payment. This defaults to other.

inner payment_date :String

The date on which the payment is scheduled to be made. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

inner payment_entry_date :String

The date on which the payment is captured in Orbipay. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

inner payment_method :module:models/PaymentResponseCgen.PaymentMethodEnum

The fulfillment method for the payment.

inner payment_network_response :module:models/PaymentNetworkResponseVo

inner payment_notification_email :String

The email address to which notifications for the payment will be sent. The notifications will be sent to the customer's email in case this is not provided.

inner payment_reference :String

The unique identifier in the client system for the payment.

inner payment_request_date :String

The date on which the biller wants the payment to be settled. It must be in ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD. This is applicable only if the client has opted for it.

inner payment_return_date :String

The date on which the ACH returns is received by Orbipay.

inner payment_schedule_type :module:models/PaymentResponseCgen.PaymentScheduleTypeEnum

The schedule type for the payment. This defaults to one_time_payment.

inner return_code :String

The ACH return code or the chargeback code received from Visa/Mastercard, in the event of returned payments.

inner status :module:models/PaymentResponseCgen.StatusEnum

The status of the payment.

inner url :String

This URL fetches the details of payment.


static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:models/PaymentResponseCgen}

Constructs a PaymentResponseCgen from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:models/PaymentResponseCgen

Optional instance to populate.

module:models/PaymentResponseCgen -

The populated PaymentResponseCgen instance.