
The RecordedPayments wrapper module.


inner confirmation_number :String

The confirmation number or reference provided to the customer for the successful payment.

inner from_date :String

The date from which payments, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.

inner from_index :String

The id of the object before which the previous set of objects are to be retrieved.

inner has_more_results :String

true if there are more results or pages

inner id_customer :String

The unique identifier assigned by EBPP to the customer.

inner id_customer_account :String

The unique identifier assigned by EBPP to the customer account

inner page_size :String

The maximum number of objects returned in the query.

inner query_id :String

The query id of the object.

inner RecordedPayment

inner String

The non fulfillment method for the payment. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....

inner String

The status of the payment. This can take multiple values in the format key=value1&key=value2....

inner to_date :String

The date upto which payments, matching the criteria specified, need to be retrieved.

inner to_index :String

The id of the object after which the next set of objects are to be retrieved.

inner total_results_count :String

total number of payments available with matching criteria

inner url :String

This URL fetches the next or previous set of payments, based on the presence of after_object or before_object parameter.


findBy(id_customer_account, confirmation_number, Stringopt, Stringopt, from_date, to_date, from_index, to_index, page_size, query_id) → {module:wrappers/RecordedPayments}

Name Type Attributes Description
id_customer_account String

The id_customer_account of RecordedPayments.

confirmation_number String

The confirmation_number of RecordedPayments.

String <optional>

status - The status of RecordedPayments.

String <optional>

payment_method - The payment_method of RecordedPayments.

from_date String

The from_date of RecordedPayments.

to_date String

The to_date of RecordedPayments.

from_index String

The from_index of RecordedPayments.

to_index String

The to_index of RecordedPayments.

page_size String

The page_size of RecordedPayments.

query_id String

The query_id of RecordedPayments.

module:wrappers/RecordedPayments -

The instance of RecordedPayments.

forClient(client_key) → {module:wrappers/RecordedPayments}

Name Type Description
client_key String

The client_key of RecordedPayments.

module:wrappers/RecordedPayments -

The instance of RecordedPayments.

forCustomer(id_customer) → {module:wrappers/RecordedPayments}

Name Type Description
id_customer String

The id_customer of RecordedPayments.

module:wrappers/RecordedPayments -

The instance of RecordedPayments.

videChannel(channel) → {module:wrappers/RecordedPayments}

Name Type Description
channel String

The channel of RecordedPayments.

module:wrappers/RecordedPayments -

The instance of RecordedPayments.