
new module:models/PaymentNetworkResponseVo()

This class subject to change without prior notice, Please dont use this class directly.

Constructs a new PaymentNetworkResponseVo. The response received from either the ACH or Card network.


inner payment_auth_code :String

The Auth Code returned by the card gateway. This is relevant only for card payments.

inner payment_response_code :String

This is the ACH return code in the case of a returned payment over the NACHA ACH network. In the case of declined card payment, it's the decline code received from the card issuer or the card processor. In the case of a card chargeback, it's the chargeback code received from the card network.

inner payment_response_msg :String

The text describing the appropriate code captured in the payment_response_code as received from the corresponding payment network.


static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:models/PaymentNetworkResponseVo}

Constructs a PaymentNetworkResponseVo from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:models/PaymentNetworkResponseVo

Optional instance to populate.

module:models/PaymentNetworkResponseVo -

The populated PaymentNetworkResponseVo instance.