
new module:models/PaymentScheduleVo()

This class subject to change without prior notice, Please dont use this class directly.

Constructs a new PaymentScheduleVo. The schedule for the payments that are created as part of a payment setup like recurring payment or autopay.


static, readonly PaymentAmountTypeEnum :String

Allowed values for the payment_amount_type property.

Name Type Description
current_balance String

value: "current_balance"

minimum_payment_due String

value: "minimum_payment_due"

past_payment_due String

value: "past_payment_due"

statement_balance String

value: "statement_balance"

discounted_amount String

value: "discounted_amount"

penalty_amount String

value: "penalty_amount"

other String

value: "other"

static, readonly PaymentRecurringTypeEnum :String

Allowed values for the payment_recurring_type property.

Name Type Description
daily String

value: "daily"

weekly String

value: "weekly"

monthly String

value: "monthly"

semi_monthly String

value: "semi_monthly"

bi_weekly String

value: "bi_weekly"

quarterly String

value: "quarterly"

half_yearly String

value: "half_yearly"

annual String

value: "annual"

inner payment_amount_type :module:models/PaymentScheduleVo.PaymentAmountTypeEnum

The amount type that is used to set the amount for payments created as part of a recurring payment or autopay setup. In the case of a recurring payment setup, the payment amount can be specified by the customer. In that case, the payment_amount_type should not be sent as it would default to 'other'. In the case of an autopay setup, the payment amount type is mandatory and it cannot be specified as 'other'. In this case, the payment amount should not be sent.

inner payment_defer_days :String

The number of days from the bill due date that the customer wishes to delay the autopay payment by. By default an autopay payment is drafted on the bill due date.

inner payment_end_date :String

The date by which the last payment will be drafted as part of a recurring payment setup. This is to be specified in the ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD. This cannot be specified for autopay setups.

inner payment_limit_amount :String

The upper limit for the payment amount in the case of recurring or autopay payments. Any amount above the limit will not be paid automatically as part of recurring payments and autopay.

inner payment_plan_id :String

The reference to the payment plan, offered by the biller, that is used to set up the recurring payment. The list of payment plans offered is published as part of the biller set-up.

inner payment_recurring_count :String

The maximum number of payments that can be created as part of a recurring payment setup. This cannot be specified for autopay setups.

inner payment_recurring_type :module:models/PaymentScheduleVo.PaymentRecurringTypeEnum

The frequency of the payments created as part of a payment setup. This is applicable only for recurring payment setup, in which case it is mandatory.

inner payment_start_date :String

The date on which the first payment will be drafted as part of a recurring payment setup. This is to be specified in the ISO8601 full-date format, namely, YYYY-MM-DD. This is mandatory for recurring payment setup. This cannot be specified for autopay setups.


static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:models/PaymentScheduleVo}

Constructs a PaymentScheduleVo from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:models/PaymentScheduleVo

Optional instance to populate.

module:models/PaymentScheduleVo -

The populated PaymentScheduleVo instance.