
new module:models/PBTContactResponse()

This class subject to change without prior notice, Please dont use this class directly.

Constructs a new PBTContactResponse.


static, readonly TypeEnum :String

Allowed values for the type property.

Name Type Description
sms String

value: "sms"

static, readonly VerifiedByEnum :String

Allowed values for the verified_by property.

Name Type Description
orbipay String

value: "orbipay"

other String

value: "other"

inner type :module:models/PBTContactResponse.TypeEnum

The type of contact that is being used.

inner value :String

The contact value that the customer used to enroll in our EBPP system for PBT.

inner verified_by :module:models/PBTContactResponse.VerifiedByEnum

The entity that verified the contact. The "orbipay" value indicates that the contact has been verified by the EBPP, which is a reliable and trusted method of contact verification. The "other" value indicates that the contact has been verified by client or some other trused third-party. While this method may also be reliable, it is not as widely recognized or trusted as EBPP.


static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:models/PBTContactResponse}

Constructs a PBTContactResponse from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:models/PBTContactResponse

Optional instance to populate.

module:models/PBTContactResponse -

The populated PBTContactResponse instance.