The Address wrapper module.


inner address_city :String

City of the address.

inner address_country :String

The 3 letter country code as per ISO 3166-1 (alpha-3).

inner address_line1 :String

Line one of the address.

inner address_line2 :String

Line two of the address.

inner address_state :String

The state or province code as per ISO_3166-2.

inner address_zip1 :String

The first part of the postal code for the address as per the system followed in the appropriate country where it belongs.

inner address_zip2 :String

The 4 digit add-on code used, in addition to the 5 digit postal code, by the US Postal Service.


static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:wrappers/Address}

Constructs a Address from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:wrappers/Address

Optional instance to populate.

module:wrappers/Address -

The populated Address instance.