
new module:models/PBTEnrollmentResponse()

This class subject to change without prior notice, Please dont use this class directly.

Constructs a new PBTEnrollmentResponse.


static, readonly EnrollmentStatusEnum :String

Allowed values for the enrollment_status property.

Name Type Description
enrolled String

value: "enrolled"

unenrolled String

value: "unenrolled"

static, readonly PaymentAmountTypeEnum :String

Allowed values for the payment_amount_type property.

Name Type Description
current_balance String

value: "current_balance"

minimum_payment_due String

value: "minimum_payment_due"

past_payment_due String

value: "past_payment_due"

statement_balance String

value: "statement_balance"

inner contact :module:models/PBTContactResponse

inner customer :module:models/CustomerSnapshotResponse

inner customer_account :module:models/CustomerAccountSnapshotResponse

inner days_before_due :String

The number of days before the payment due date on which the payment alert is to be sent to the enrolled customer to the contact phone provided here.

inner enrollment_status :module:models/PBTEnrollmentResponse.EnrollmentStatusEnum

The status of the payment enrolment.

inner funding_account :module:models/FundingAccountSnapshotResponse

inner payment_amount_type :module:models/PBTEnrollmentResponse.PaymentAmountTypeEnum

The type of amount, as per the bill/statement, that is being paid. The payment amount is derived from the amount type selected for the payment. This defaults to other.


static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:models/PBTEnrollmentResponse}

Constructs a PBTEnrollmentResponse from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:models/PBTEnrollmentResponse

Optional instance to populate.

module:models/PBTEnrollmentResponse -

The populated PBTEnrollmentResponse instance.