The Contact wrapper module.


inner status :String

The status of the customer's contact in EBPP.

inner type :String

The type of contact that is being used.

inner value :String

The contact value that the customer used to enroll in our EBPP system for PBT.

inner verification_code :String

The unique verification code generated by EBPP using <a href="#operation/initiateContactVerification"> Initiate Contact Verification API. This field is mandatory if the verified_by type is orbipay, indicating that the contact has been verified by the EBPP. If the verified_by type is other or none, this field may be left empty or null.

inner verified_by :String

The entity that verified the contact. The "orbipay" value indicates that the contact has been verified by the EBPP, which is a reliable and trusted method of contact verification. The "other" value indicates that the contact has been verified by client or some other trusted third-party. While this method may also be reliable, it is not as widely recognized or trusted as EBPP.


isVerifiedBy(verified_by) → {module:wrappers/Contact}

Name Type Description
verified_by String

The verified_by of Contact.

module:wrappers/Contact -

The instance of Contact.

withContactDetails(type, value) → {module:wrappers/Contact}

Name Type Description
type String

The type of Contact.

value String

The value of Contact.

module:wrappers/Contact -

The instance of Contact.

withStatus(status) → {module:wrappers/Contact}

Name Type Description
status String

The status of Contact.

module:wrappers/Contact -

The instance of Contact.

withVerificationCode(verification_code) → {module:wrappers/Contact}

Name Type Description
verification_code String

The verification_code of Contact.

module:wrappers/Contact -

The instance of Contact.