The Customer wrapper module.


inner ID_CUSTOMER :String

The unique identifier assigned by EBPP to the customer.

inner address :Address

inner audit_info :AuditInfo

inner comments :String

Comments that can be used to recollect the operation performed on the resource object. API clients need to ensure that no sensitive information is passed in the memo. Alacriti (EBPP) is not responsible for the security of any sensitive information that may be passed as part of the memo.

inner custom_fields :Object

The additional information or meta-information that EBPP can accept, maintain and transmit back to the client. The custom fields need to be configured with EBPP before they can be accepted. EBPP would reject custom fields that are not pre-configured. Please contact <a href = "mailto:"> for more information on configuring and using custom fields. Only the custom fields enabled for the client, in EBPP, would be accepted in the requests.

inner customer_accounts :CustomerAccounts

inner customer_reference :String

The unique identifier in the client system for the customer.

inner date_of_birth :String

The date of birth of the customer. It should be in the full-date format as per ISO8601, namely, YYYY-MM-DD.

inner email :String

The email address of the customer to which notifications from EBPP will be sent. This will default to the registered_email while creating a customer.

inner first_name :String

The first name of the customer. Either first_name or last_name is required to create a customer.

inner funding_accounts :FundingAccounts

inner gender :String

The gender of the customer.

inner home_phone :String

The home phone number of the customer.

inner id :String

The unique identifier assigned by EBPP to the customer.

inner last_name :String

The last name of the customer. Either first_name or last_name is required to create a customer.

inner locale :String

The language in which the customer wants the alerts and notifications from EBPP. This is to be specified in the format,
< ISO-639-1 language code >_< ISO ALPHA-2 Country Code >.
For e.g., en_US indicates the language preference as US English, which is also the default value.

inner middle_name :String

The middle name of the customer.

inner mobile_phone :String

The mobile phone number of the customer.

inner payment_setups :PaymentSetups

inner payments :Payments

inner registered_email :String

The email address of the customer registered with the client. This may be used to uniquely identify the customer if the client is set up accordingly in EBPP.

inner ssn :String

The SSN of the customer if the account holder is an individual or the tax ID, if the customer is a business.

inner status :String

The status of the customer in EBPP.

inner url :String

This URL fetches the Customer details.

inner work_phone :String

The work phone number of the customer.


forClient(client_key) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
client_key String

The client_key of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

videChannel(channel) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
channel String

The channel of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withAccounts(customer_accounts) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
customer_accounts CustomerAccounts

The customer_accounts of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withAddress(address) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
address Address

The address of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withContactInfo(email, home_phone, work_phone, mobile_phone) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
email String

The email of Customer.

home_phone String

The home_phone of Customer.

work_phone String

The work_phone of Customer.

mobile_phone String

The mobile_phone of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withCustomFields(custom_fields) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
custom_fields Object

The custom_fields of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withDetails(first_name, last_name, middle_name, date_of_birth, ssn, gender, registered_email) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
first_name String

The first_name of Customer.

last_name String

The last_name of Customer.

middle_name String

The middle_name of Customer.

date_of_birth String

The date_of_birth of Customer.

ssn String

The ssn of Customer.

gender String

The gender of Customer.

registered_email String

The registered_email of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withLocale(locale) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
locale String

The locale of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withMemo(comments) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
comments String

The comments of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withReference(customer_reference) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
customer_reference String

The customer_reference of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

withStatus(status) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Name Type Description
status String

The status of Customer.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The instance of Customer.

static constructFromObject(data, obj) → {module:wrappers/Customer}

Constructs a Customer from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance. Copies all relevant properties from data to obj if supplied or a new instance if not.

Name Type Description
data Object

The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.

obj module:wrappers/Customer

Optional instance to populate.

module:wrappers/Customer -

The populated Customer instance.